First a small thumbnail sketch done in pencil on scrap paper (why waste) to work out the composition.
Something bothered me though. After breaking it down to the essential shapes I realised that I had to lose the boathouse because the composition was getting too busy and I was in danger of getting two subjects in one, if you know what I mean.
So I left out the rowing club and painted Elk Lake with the reed shapes alone.
Much better.
Very nice Ron. I like the reeds especially. Just a thought though, sometimes it is hard to picture how a composition will look simply by a pencil sketch. I may have put the boathouse in to see how it looked, you could always paint it out if it doesn't work. Sometimes it is nice to stay true to a scene, especially if it is a reconizable landmark. Why not another painting, in the studio, with the boathouse included. It would be nice to see the two paintings together and see which one worked best??
Anyway, just a thought, but a very successfull painting as is.
Keith I confess that I DID indeed have the boathouse painted in, and at 16 x 20 it really DID look like two paintings in one. A pity in one way 'cos the rowing club turned out well...however I am more convinced now that the reeds and water stand alone nicely now. Thanks, Buddy!
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